Baby Massage
We deliver Baby Massage courses which are 5 weekly sessions.
At the moment we deliver the sessions at Beacon village hall.
Baby Massage is for Babies from 8 weeks of age until they are mobile.
The cost is £25.00 for the 5 weekly sessions.
We understand the importance and benefits of massage and we are passionate about what we offer.
Baby Massage supports secure attachments which leads to the building of resilience.
Touch is a basic human need and through Baby Massage positive touch is used with numerous benefits to baby and parent.
Combined with the benefits of skin-to-skin physical contact, touch triggers the release of feel good hormones to encourage an even closer relationship between parent and baby.
Massage enables parents to get to know their baby in a unique way
We are all trained by Peter Walker, who is an internationally accredited and widely respected teacher of Developmental Baby Massage for over 40 years.
Baby massage has been practiced by other cultures for generations with many techniques being handed down from mothers to daughters. It’s now recognised in Western culture that massaging a baby can have some very positive effects and being able to continue what nature has already started.
Massaging your baby is one of the finest skills a parent can acquire.